
Event Title

10th Asia Open Data Partnership (AODP) Summit 2024


The Asia Open Data Partnership (AODP) was established in 2015 with the aim of promoting and utilizing open data, information sharing and international cooperation based on the culture and needs of Asian countries and regions, with Japan participating since 2017. As part of the Partnership’s activities, this summit aims to promote the dissemination of open data through information sharing and discussions on the progress and challenges of activities related to the dissemination and utilization of open data in various countries and regions, particularly in Asia.

Photos of AODP Summit 2019 Tokyo

AODP Summit 2024 Chair

Noboru Koshizuka (The University of Tokyo, Japan)


October 8, 9, 10, 2024


October 8, Dialogue Meeting

Daiwa House Ishibashi Nobuo Memorial Hall, Hongo Campus,
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building

October 9, Joint Symposium of 10th AODP Summit 2024
& 2nd Data Spaces Discovery Day Tokyo 2024

Fukutake Hall, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Fukutake Hall

Organized by

  • The University of Tokyo
  • Data Society Alliance (DSA)
  • Asia Open Data Partnership (AODP)

In cooperation with

  • tbd

Sponsored by

  • tbd


October 8, Dialogue Meeting

English Only

October 9, Joint Symposium of 10th AODP Summit 2024 & 2nd Data Spaces Discovery Day Tokyo 2024

English and Japanese with Simultaneous Translation

Day 1 (October 8): Dialogue Meeting

14:00-14:10  Opening Remarks & Group photos

Noboru Koshizuka (UTokyo, Japan)

14:10-14:15 Report of AODP

14:15-14:45  AODP Working Group Updates

  • Application WG
  • Industry WG
  • Data Space WG

14:45-15:05  OECD Talk  + Q&A

15:05-15:25  IDSA Talk + Q&A

15:25-15:45  Coffee Break

15:45-17:05 Partners Update

8 min speech x 10 persons

17:05-17:15  General Discussion

Noboru Koshizuka (UTokyo, Japan)

17:15-17:20 Closing Remark

Noboru Koshizuka (UTokyo, Japan)

18:00- Reception and Networking

Only in-person participants

Day 2 (October 9): Joint Symposium of 10th AODP Summit 2024
& 2nd Data Spaces Discovery Day Tokyo 2024

Open symposium of AODP Summit 2024 is held in conjunction with "The 2nd Data Spaces Discovery Days Tokyo 2024". You can get information about the open symposium from the following link!

→ "Joint Symposium of AODP Summit 2024 & Data Spaces Discovery Day 2024"

Day 3 (October 10): Tour (AODP Partners Only)

