In Europe and Japan, activities are being promoted to establish a “data space,” a mechanism to safely share data generated in various industries with necessary parties for the purpose of solving social issues and creating added value. In the future, it is expected that other countries and regions will also work toward mutual collaboration, and international cooperation in the formulation of rules and technical specifications for this purpose will be important. In this Global Dialogue, stakeholders from Japan and Europe will discuss the possibilities and challenges of data space and the prospects for international interconnection.
日時/Date and Time
2024-10-17 15:00 - 16:30
幕張メッセ コンベンションホールB
Makuhari Messe Convention Hall B
主催/Organized by
一般社団法人電子情報技術産業協会(JEITA)/Green x Digitalコンソーシアム
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association / Green x Digital Consortium
【基調講演/Keynote Speech】
- 藤井 剛 氏(富士通株式会社 グローバルソリューションBG Strategic Planning本部長)
Mr.Takeshi Fujii(SVP, Co-Head of Strategic Planning Unit, Global Solutions Business Group, Fujitsu Limited)
【パネルディスカッション/Panel Discussion】
- Mr.Bjoern Juretzki(欧州委員会 通信ネットワーク・コンテンツ・技術総局 Head of Unit, Data Policy and Innovation)
Mr.Bjoern Juretzki(European Commission - DG CONNECT Head of Unit, Data Policy and Innovation) - Mr.Hagen Heubach(Catena-X Member of the Executive Board Catena-X e.V.)
Mr.Hagen Heubach(Catena-X Member of the Executive Board Catena-X e.V.) - 守谷 学 氏(経済産業省 商務情報政策局 情報経済課長)
Mr. Gaku Moriya(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Director, Digital Economy Division) - 藤原 輝嘉 氏(一般社団法人 自動車・蓄電池トレーサビリティ推進センター(ABtC)代表理事/独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA)デジタル アーキテクチャ ・ デザインセンター)
Mr.Teruyoshi Fujiwara(Automotive and Battery Traceability Center Association, Inc. (ABtC) Chairperson/Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan Digital Architecture Design Center(IPA DADC)) - Mr.Lars Bruckner(在欧日系ビジネス協議会(JBCE) Vice-Chairman & Member of Board of Directors)
Mr.Lars Bruckner(Japan Business Council in Europe(JBCE)Vice-Chairman & Member of Board of Directors) - モデレータ:前田 翔三 氏(一般社団法人電子情報技術産業協会(JEITA) 欧州代表)
Moderator:Mr.Shozo Maeda(Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association(JEITA)European Representative)